Pink Tale #8, Early Bird
At Coburg FM
Market has just opened (eightish) when my first customer, a young gentleman, walks directly to the stall.
YG: Hi, I saw the FB post about this and was so intrigued, I just gotta taste it.
Me: Yes, please do. (I give him a spoonful of PM with Berries)
YG: Ummmmmmmmm (that familiar sound that is music to my ears) that is DELICIOUS!!
Me: Thank you! Glad you like it! Would you like to taste the other one? (PM with Citrus & Ginger) YG: No, that’s ok I’m happy with this. I’ll take one small bag to start. Are you gonna be here next month?
Me: Yes, every 4th Saturday I will be here.
YG: Great! Good to know. (quickly exits the FM—he just came for PM!)
What a wonderful start to the day!