Pink Tale #106, Happy Tummy, another wellness tale
Lauren has some major digestion issues that prevents her from enjoying most foods. She would get quite ill so was very careful with what she eats. Then she discovered Pink Muesli at the farmers market. She was so thrilled to find something her tummy accepted without any troubles. That it was delicious and nutritious to boot clinched Pink Muesli as her go-to food since. She would order her favourite flavour, Pink Muesli with Berries every few weeks and in bulk. The times when we ran out because of supply hiccups would put her in a panic but she gamely tried our five other flavours until we were back in stock. Here she is happily showing off her fresh supply. Her one request to Nana for her birthday is more Pink Muesli please! :))
So glad we could help settle your troubled tummy Lauren! Keep well xx
#happycustomer #happiermaker