Pink Tale #19, Pink Sign Beckons
At Bendigo FM
Mature age lady: I wasn’t going to stop but I saw your sign from the road. It had a beetroot in it and I said to myself, this has got to be good!
Me: Wow, thanks for stopping by. Here, have a taste. (I hand her a tasting spoon)
MAL: I love beetroot, it’s so good for you. (takes in a spoonful) Ummmm, delicious!
Me: Taste the other one. (I hand her a second spoon)
MAL: Oh wow, I love that ginger!
Me: You can have it as a garnish for your desserts or salads, aside of course from having it for breakfast.
MAL: Oh what a good idea! Do you make it yourself?
Me: Yes. I am the chief peeler, chief bottle washer, COO, CEO, CMO. All the chiefs with no Indians. (we share lolz)
MAL: How come I never saw you before today?
Me: This is my first time here and I will be back next month.
MAL: Fantastic! I’ll have one of each please.
Me: Great! Thank you so much!
Note: A few customers have indeed bought because they saw my big sign from the road and were intrigued. Thank you market manager for putting me in this slot!