Close encounters with real life customers

“With so many funny, endearing and immensely encouraging stories and quotes from customers, I thought I’d start a collection and share them here to warm the heart. The photos are different ways I’ve prepared Pink Muesli plus some contributions from real life customers, market scenes, production photos, etc. (Note: Reviews/Comments welcome here)

I’m calling this PINK TALES. Enjoy!”  – Marita (founder/producer)

(Note: Linked pix have recipes too!)

Pink Tale #20, Floppy Hats

At Coburg FM

Two senior women, wearing big floppy hats, came to the stall to see what the fuss was about. SW1: Beetroot??
Me: Yes, beetroot muesli. (I hand them both a sample.)
SW2: Oh my God, that is delicious!
SW1: Ummmmm. Yum! Oooh I’ll have some of that!
Me: Thank you! There’s 2 more varieties for you to try today. (I hand them more samples)
SW2: Ummm. They’re good too!
SW1: We have decided to start eating healthy so this is perfect.
Me: I must warn you that they can be addictive. And this is not a diet muesli.
SW2: That’s ok so long as it’s healthy.
Me: It sure is. Beetroot has so many health benefits, it is a genuine superfood. (I hand them a flyer).
SW1: Ok, give me two of the Ginger. (Turns to SW2) One’s for you, a present.
SW2: Oh you don’t need to do that, but thank you!
Me: That’s very kind of you!
SW1: Pleasure! And I don’t even eat muesli. Thanks! (They show their PM to their friends who just joined them and they happily chatter away.)