Close encounters with real life customers

“With so many funny, endearing and immensely encouraging stories and quotes from customers, I thought I’d start a collection and share them here to warm the heart. The photos are different ways I’ve prepared Pink Muesli plus some contributions from real life customers, market scenes, production photos, etc. (Note: Reviews/Comments welcome here)

I’m calling this PINK TALES. Enjoy!”  – Marita (founder/producer)

(Note: Linked pix have recipes too!)

Pink Muesli jars
PM And Chillis
Pink Tale #22, Quiet Customer

At Coburg FM

A few folks were sampling the PM, one of them a young adult wearing dark aviator sunglasses and groovy flower boots stood quietly apart from the pack, smiling as she savoured each sample. She thanked me and left with a flyer in hand. A couple of hours later, she came back on her own and bought a large bag. You never know who will commit. That is why I offer free samples to everyone who makes eye contact with me and in this case, even those I cannot make eye contact with lol!