Close encounters with real life customers

“With so many funny, endearing and immensely encouraging stories and quotes from customers, I thought I’d start a collection and share them here to warm the heart. The photos are different ways I’ve prepared Pink Muesli plus some contributions from real life customers, market scenes, production photos, etc. (Note: Reviews/Comments welcome here)

I’m calling this PINK TALES. Enjoy!”  – Marita (founder/producer)

(Note: Linked pix have recipes too!)

PM Cartoon
Pink Tale #32, It Takes a Village

At Vegecareian Festival

The Vietnamese noodle shop beside PM was the most popular stall with long queues all day. They had a large team of cooks and sales personnel, maybe a dozen or so, all working seamlessly. It was great for PM as it attracted folks who were waiting their turn. It also attracted the young son of the owner. He looked about 10 y.o. He was looking intently at the samples but was too shy to come over. He finally got the courage by standing next to a mother and daughter who wanted samples. M&D: Oh wow beetroot, love beetroot! (I hand them both samples of PM Berries. I also hand one to the young boy, who was surprised but gratefully accepted.)
M&D (turning to the boy): That’s good of you to try new things! Did you like it? (YB nods)
I hand them samples of the rest and with each one YB nods in appreciation even saying “Wow!” from time to time. M&D ends up buying three large bags and YB goes off to explore the grounds.

At lunchtime, owner hands me a bag of spring rolls to sample and some noodles with mock meat (so yummy!). She refuses to take my money and I munch happily away. I was extolling the deliciousness of the mock meat that a few folks started buying just that! (ha!)

Later that day when the noodle shop had sold out, a few of the ladies came over looking curiously at the products. I hand them samples.
Ladies: Ummm, so yummy! (They speak in rapid Vietnamese while nodding their heads. Most nodding with the Coconut Caramel Crunch with Almonds)

I give them a bag of that to share with the team free-of-charge. I could see them all nodding their heads in appreciation as they taste the PM.
Towards closing time, one lady comes over.
Lady: I buy two of this (points to PM Coconut Caramel Crunch with Almonds).

Me: Thank you so much!
The owner also comes over.
Owner: Me too, I get two (points to same)
Me: That’s great thank you!

She hands one to her young son who had the biggest smile. They’re in the pink!