Close encounters with real life customers

“With so many funny, endearing and immensely encouraging stories and quotes from customers, I thought I’d start a collection and share them here to warm the heart. The photos are different ways I’ve prepared Pink Muesli plus some contributions from real life customers, market scenes, production photos, etc. (Note: Reviews/Comments welcome here)

I’m calling this PINK TALES. Enjoy!”  – Marita (founder/producer)

(Note: Linked pix have recipes too!)

organic beetroot
Pink Tale #66, The Nutritionist

At Ballarat Jiggety Jig Market
Mum with preteen daughter approach the stall intrigued by the “beetroot” sign.
Mum: Wow, what have we got here?
Me: It’s beetroot muesli. The only vegetable muesli in the country.
Mum: I’m sure it is! I’ve never heard of it before. That’s a really good idea! (reads the ingredients list) Oh wow and you’ve got all this in it too! I suppose you dehydrate it to keep it raw?
Me: Yes, I do! You’re about the first one to get it!
Mum: I’m a nutritionist so I know how it works.
Me: Excellent! So you appreciate the long production process. I source my ingredients as local as possible. The beetroot is from Spring Creek Organics (she nods knowingly) and the apples are from my neighbour.
Mum: Whereabouts do you live?
Me: Blampied
Mum: Oh! Say no more! That’s got the best soil for farming!
Me: That’s right, all that rich volcanic soil. Well proof is in the pudding. Here have a taste. Do you have gluten allergies?
Mum: I am more gluten intolerant and avoid wheat but oats I can eat.
Me: Great! Then you can taste all but the Cinnamon. (I hand them samples)
Mum and daughter nod their heads, look at each other in awe while making umming yumming noises.
Mum: Oh I must get them all, I’ll take one of each please. (turns to daughter) You can eat grains, would you like to taste the last one?
Daughter: Sure! So far they’re all so good. (I hand her the Cinnamon, eyes get bigger) Oooh I like that the best!
Mum: Ok, we’ll take a small bag of each to start and we’ll be back next month for more!
Me: Fantastic! Thank you so much!
Mum & daughter are in the pink ?