Close encounters with real life customers

“With so many funny, endearing and immensely encouraging stories and quotes from customers, I thought I’d start a collection and share them here to warm the heart. The photos are different ways I’ve prepared Pink Muesli plus some contributions from real life customers, market scenes, production photos, etc. (Note: Reviews/Comments welcome here)

I’m calling this PINK TALES. Enjoy!”  – Marita (founder/producer)

(Note: Linked pix have recipes too!)

Clunes 06162
Pink Tale #71, Gobsmacked!

At Clunes FM

Young Mum with teen daughter approach the stall.

YM: Omg, beetroot muesli!

TD: That’s pretty cool!

Me: Yes! And it’s the only vegetable muesli in the country! Come and have a taste!

YM: What’s in it?

Me: I have gluten-free options (I point to the ingredient lists) as well as whole grain options. No sugar added, no preservatives here you go (I hand them samples of PM Berries).

TD: Umm that’s so good!

Me: Thank you and that’s the grain-free option as well.

YM: That is amazing, I didn’t expect that.

Me: Thank you it’s all natural. Would you like to taste the other gluten-free variety?

TD: Oh it’s got grains.

YM: But you eat rice, so it’s ok. (they both accept the samples of PM Coconut)

TD: Yum!

Me: With milk or yogurt as a regular muesli, is great. But it’s not just a muesli, it’s also a garnish for salads or desserts. This here is my favorite snack, apple slices with a bit of peanut butter then topped with PM.

YM: Yes! I was thinking of goats cheese.

Me: Yup, like this (I point to the roasted figs with goat’s cheese in my background streamer).

YM: And on top of pannacotta perhaps?

TD: Oh yeah!

Me: Absolutely! (I point to the pannacotta with pomegranate in my poster. They were gobsmacked.)

YM: Wow, you are either a chef or very clever!

Me: I’m both! (we share lolz)

TD: Let’s get them both. (she walks off to explore the other stalls)

YM: I am so happy we made the trip today. We’re from Melbourne and wanted to see what there was on offer in the country markets. My daughter’s not well and we watch what she eats. Ever since we’ve taken her off gluten, dairy and sugar she’s been getting better that is why I was thrilled to discover you here! You tick all the boxes plus you’re so original! Well done! I’ll take a large bag of the Berries and the Coconut please.

Me: Thank you! I’m happy your daughter can eat my products! All the best on her recovery.

YM: Thanks. You sell online do you?

Me: Yes, I do. Just visit my website and follow the links.

YM: I hope you do very well. we’ll enjoy this!

Mother & daughter are in the pink?