Close encounters with real life customers

“With so many funny, endearing and immensely encouraging stories and quotes from customers, I thought I’d start a collection and share them here to warm the heart. The photos are different ways I’ve prepared Pink Muesli plus some contributions from real life customers, market scenes, production photos, etc. (Note: Reviews/Comments welcome here)

I’m calling this PINK TALES. Enjoy!”  – Marita (founder/producer)

(Note: Linked pix have recipes too!)

Melb Show Pm Cart2
Pink Tale #79, Pink Muesli??!! What’s that??

At Melbourne Show, MasterChef Winning Tastes Pavillon

“Pink Muesli??!! What’s that??” The oft-repeated phrase everywhere lol! You could see the steady steam of people mouthing these words as they enter the MasterChef Winning Tastes Pavillon at the Melbourne Show. I was fortunate enough to be invited to share the space with the country’s most awesome award-winning gourmet food producers. I could only do two days and the experience was exhilirating! Being stationed right at the entrance to greet the masses, my very able assistant (my son) and I witnessed most everyone gape in awe and incredulity at the giant stopwatch and Masterchef logo gleaming behind us up above, as if to bestow its magical aura upon all those who enter the MasterChef kitchen. Works for me ha! It’s a fabulous way to introduce this unique product to a larger audience. Here’s a typical scenario after they step into the threshold and take their selfies.

Would-be-customer: Are we really in the MasterChef kitchen or is this a mock-up?

Me: Yes indeed, you are in the actual MasterChef kitchen. (I point to the galley above where the cooks are cheered on by their peers. They are giddy with excitement) Would you like to try the pink stuff?

WBC: What’s in it? What makes it pink?

Me: Beetroot. Here have a taste (I hand them a sample. They usually examine the pinkness, smell then finally taste. It’s a real sensory experience!)

WBC: Oh yum! So you have it with milk or yogurt? Like a regular muesli?

Me: Yes, except that this is not a regular muesli. It is the only vegetable muesli in the country. Plus, it is more than a muesli, you can sprinkle it over your salads and desserts and make it look MasterCheffy! (I direct their attention to the photo display at the front of the cart)

WBC: Oooh, what a great idea! I’ll take one please.

This scene was repeated several times throughout the day that our voices were hardly working anymore by late arvo lol! But it’s all worth it. Pink Muesli was well received yay! And that is how the pinkness got introduced at the Show.

Melbourne gets in the pink?