Close encounters with real life customers

“With so many funny, endearing and immensely encouraging stories and quotes from customers, I thought I’d start a collection and share them here to warm the heart. The photos are different ways I’ve prepared Pink Muesli plus some contributions from real life customers, market scenes, production photos, etc. (Note: Reviews/Comments welcome here)

I’m calling this PINK TALES. Enjoy!”  – Marita (founder/producer)

(Note: Linked pix have recipes too!)

Xmas Variety Promo
Pink Tale #81, Fabulous Forward Planner

At Castlemaine FM

It was closing time and I was already packing up when an diminutive lady came up to check out the pink.

Lady: So what have you got?

Me: It’s beetroot muesli, the only one of its kind in the world!

Lady: Wow beetroot, they look so pretty too! And this is what’s in it? (looking at the ingredients list)

Me: Yes, they all have over 40% raw organic beetroot, here have a taste. (I hand her a sample)

Lady: Oh that’s nice! Can I have a taste of the Pear & Pistachio please?

Me: Of course, here you go. It’s made from 2 kinds of beetroot, the red and golden. The golden when dehydrated becomes green giving the muesli a Christmas effect.

Lady: That is delicious! And they come in these bags?

Me: Yes, in single serve bags for $5 and large 7 serve bags for $25. I also have a market special, all 6 flavours for only $25, so you get one free.

Lady: Ok, I’ll take 2 of those then. (I hand her 2 packs) No wait, I better get one for each of my children for their Christmas hamper. Make that 6 please. (I handed her 4 more) Oh I must get one for myself too. (I had one pack left)

Me: You might as well get the last one, I’m sure you can think of someone else to give that too. (we share lolz)

Lady: Oh alright, give me the last one too (I happily put her purchase in large pretty pink bags).

Me: But wait there’s more! Since you’re my best customer today, I have some freebies for you. (I hand her PM pens)

Lady: Thank you so much! This is better than giving them junk food.

Me: Yes! And thank YOU so much, you’ve just made my day!

What a fabulous forward planner she is! We are both in the pink ?