Close encounters with real life customers

“With so many funny, endearing and immensely encouraging stories and quotes from customers, I thought I’d start a collection and share them here to warm the heart. The photos are different ways I’ve prepared Pink Muesli plus some contributions from real life customers, market scenes, production photos, etc. (Note: Reviews/Comments welcome here)

I’m calling this PINK TALES. Enjoy!”  – Marita (founder/producer)

(Note: Linked pix have recipes too!)

Pink Tale #99, Small Farms Big Feedback

‘Twas an exhilirating month after the September issue of Small Farms magazine hit the stands. Started with a phone call from Adelaide one frosty September morn.

Me: Hello, it’s Marita.

Caller: Marita! (he said with much warmth and familiarity) It’s Trevor calling from Adelaide!

Me: Hi Trevor from Adelaide! What can I do for you?

Trevor: I’m just reading about you and your Pink Muesli in the Small Farms magazine!

Me: Oh wow it’s out already! (I was interviewed in July and didn’t know when it was going to be published)

Trevor: Yes, and it’s a great story! How you overcame high blood pressure and all.

Me: Thank you so much! I am living proof that beetroot works!

Trevor: That’s why I’m calling, I also have high blood pressure and want to know how you went about your beetroot therapy.

Me: I just ate it everyday, mostly raw grated into salads or made tea with it.

Trevor: How do you make tea with it?

Me: I just cut a big chunk and pop it in my tea pot. That’s what I drank all day. When the chunk faded I cut another chunk and replaced it. Beetroot tea!

Trevor: Nice! I might do that. Your products are so beautiful, they look so delicious!

Me: Thank you, that’s all natural and yes, they do taste as good as they look.

Trevor: I can’t wait to taste them. So how do I buy from you?

Me: Just go to my website, the store is open 24/7.

Trevor: Right, I will!

Me: Look forward to it!

Trevor does place a large order shortly (yay!)

This conversation is repeated with different callers from all over Australia. I also got emails referring to the magazine, asking how to purchase. Big feedback from Small Farms! Thanks for introducing me to so many new customers! It is my sincere hope that my products will help them on their journey to good health.

In the pink ??